In which I let out the crazysauce

I’ve said before that my Muse has multiple personality disorder. I mean, seriously, right now I have books out that are YA horror, SF romance and several upcoming category romances. Sounds crazy? I probably am.

But I’ve learned a thing or two about different genres as a result. For example, I know that writing YA brings out some serious darkness inside me (traumatic high school years, maybe?) and that my SF romances tend to tread on their own version of dark, with an added dash of the sexay.

So what have I learned while writing category romance?

That I have serious issues.

No, really. More than any other genre, I find that bits and pieces of me, today’s culture, and my observances work their way into my category books. As a result, they are freaking crazysauce. All those things that people shake their heads and go, “Yeah, that would never happen…” Those things that get tossed into the mixer and sacrificed on the altar of my Muse.

There’s a scene in my upcoming book—Wrong Bed, Right Guy—that makes me laugh out loud even after reading it uncountable times. Why? Because it’s something that could happen to anyone. Which is, in my opinion, part of the appeal of contemporary—it could happen to YOU. You don’t have to be a wizard or mated to a sexpot werewolf or be a space pirate.

That, my friends, is the reason contemporary romance has totally stolen my heart.

Do you agree?

3 thoughts on “In which I let out the crazysauce

  1. I love contemporary romance for exactly the reason you said. That it can happen. I’m quite boring really and struggle with seeing other worlds and aliens. I like to imagine that maybe some of the characters I’ve read may in fact be walking down the street beside me. Even better if Mr Hottee was sitting beside me on the number 10 bus to Acton Green and wanted to chat. Could happen right?

  2. Having written 30 of the suckers I would have to agree! 🙂
    Ya know, I wish my brain/ muse could jump ad skip around to other genres but I know without a single doubt that I just don’t have it in me.
    Hats off to you and anyone else who can do it – I am in awe!

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